Just in time for you to include in your back to school plans and first science lessons...
Many teachers around the country spend the first part of the school year reviewing or teaching basic science skills. If you're looking for a way to incorporate this content into Interactive Science Notebooks, this product is just what you need. Having it affixed to the interactive notebook also allows students to refer back to these very important skills and concepts throughout the year as they are putting them to use during labs, activities, and investigations.
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Now...back to planning.

Many teachers around the country spend the first part of the school year reviewing or teaching basic science skills. If you're looking for a way to incorporate this content into Interactive Science Notebooks, this product is just what you need. Having it affixed to the interactive notebook also allows students to refer back to these very important skills and concepts throughout the year as they are putting them to use during labs, activities, and investigations.
Click on the product image above to be taken directly to my store.
Now...back to planning.